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Professional Toolkit
Working with Personal Car Mileage (Mobile Android) (Android)
Personal Car Mileage allows you to be reimbursed for business use of your personal vehicle. For this expense type, you enter the distance you drove and the system automatically calculates the reimbursement amount.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/mobile/android/end-user
Travel & Expense Overview
Provides an overview of using Concur Travel and Expense to help you get started booking travel, renting cars and hotel and then create expense reports from a trip Itinerary.
Video: Play
Page(s): /toolkit/en/getting-started/end-user
Assigning a New Invoice Owner
From your My Invoices page, you can view and access invoices you created or that were assigned to you. If you need to delegate your invoices to someone else, or if an invoice was incorrectly assigned to you, you can reassign the invoice.
Reviewing and Approving an Invoice
As an Invoice approver, you review invoices that are submitted and assigned to you. You can send invoices back for corrections or additional information, forward them to another approver, or approve them for payment processing.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/invoice/end-user
Admin Messaging Guide: SAP Concur Mobile App (Android), (iPhone)
This guide is intended to help you drive adoption of the SAP Concur mobile app by making telling your users about this offering as simple as copy and paste. We know every company has their own way of communicating to its employees, so this guide will make it simple for for you to talk about these products on the channels most frequented by your users.
Guide: Open
Page(s): /toolkit/en/mobile/administrator
BIN Restrictions
This video walks Travel administrators through adding BIN restrictions to prevent certain corporate cards from being used in travel bookings. It also demonstrates how to remove BIN restrictions.
Video: Play
Page(s): /toolkit/en/travel/administrator
Company Admin
Learn to use the Company Administration section in Travel to manage company options, user data, and travel booking settings.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/travel/administrator
SAP Concur Getting Started QuickStart Guide
This resources provides steps and screenshots for new end users to get started with Concur. These steps and screenshots include how to; retrieve and change your password, updating your Expense profile, acting as a Delegate, booking flights, car rentals and hotels, canceling or changing a reservation, creating an expense report, activating e-receipts, uploading receipts, printing and submitting an expense report, correcting and resubmitting an expense report.
Guide: Open
Page(s): /toolkit/en/getting-started/end-user
Icon QuickStart Guide
This resource provides depictions and explanations of the various Concur icons end users will see in Expense, Invoice, Travel, and Request.
Guide: Open
Page(s): /toolkit/en/getting-started/end-user
Exploring the SAP Concur Home Page
These resources provide a walkthrough of the different sections found on the SAP Concur home page, including; the taskbar, Alerts and Company Notes, My Tasks, Trip Search, and Upcoming Trips.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/getting-started/end-user
Activating Direct Deposit
These resources demonstrating entering your bank account information to receive direct deposit reimbursements for out of pocket expenses. It also shows authorizing direct deposit and verifying that your bank information is confirmed.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/getting-started/end-user
Concur Travel QuickStart Guide
This document provides information on the SAP Concur Travel tool.
Guide: Open
Updating Your Travel Profile
These resources provide steps to travelers for; accessing their travel profile, confirming pre-populated information, entering a work or home phone number, entering emergency contact information, verifying your email address, entering travel preferences, entering frequent traveler program numbers, adding a travel assistant, and entering credit card information.
Booking a Flight
This video provides instruction on searching for, selecting, and confirming a flight reservation.
Booking a Hotel
This video provides instruction on searching for, selecting, and confirming a hotel reservation.
Booking a Rental Car
This video provides instruction on searching for, selecting, and confirming a rental car reservation.
Changing a Purchased and Ticketed Trip
These resources demonstrate changing a flight that has already been purchased and ticketed.
FAQ for Admins - SAP Concur Mobile App Deprecation Policy (iPhone), (Android)
This resource provides answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Concur's deprecation policy regarding the SAP Concur mobile app.
Guide: Open
Page(s): /toolkit/en/mobile/administrator
Feature List by Device (Mobile) (Android), (iPhone)
This document provides an itemized list of features that are available within the iPhone, iPad, and Android versions of the SAP Concur app.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/mobile/administrator
Managing the SAP Concur Mobile App (Android), (iPhone)
This document provides a guide for administrators for managing the SAP Concur mobile app. This resource discusses the following; required roles for mobile users, managing expense type in the mobile app, clearing device data, reporting issues to SAP Concur, checking the app version, and sending an error log to SAP Concur.
Page(s): /toolkit/en/mobile/administrator