Travel Service Guides & Fact Sheets - Concur Travel - Professional Edition and Standard Edition SAP logo

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Key:  x = available in this edition      x* = available in this edition but not yet included in the TSG 

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Vendors and vendor-related services
Name Revised Professional Standard   Name Revised Professional Standard
Flight         Car      
Air France Aug 30 2019 x x   Hertz Direct Connect Jan 31 2022 x x
American Airlines AirPass (formerly AAirpass) Technical support temporarily suspended Nov 14 2019 x     Sixt Direct Connect Aug 15 2022 x x
American Airlines AirPass *NEW* Jul 15 2022 x            
Cleartrip (Air) Direct Connect Jan 3 2024 x x          
easyJet (see Travelfusion)         Ground      
Lufthansa Pay As You Fly (PAF) Oct 1 2018 x   Ground Content Suppliers
     -  GroundSpan: Setup form
Jan 14 2022 x x

Southwest Direct Connect

Dec 18 2020 x x
Southwest via Travelport (a.k.a Southwest via Apollo) Oct 12 2021 x x  


Travelfusion Direct Connect Jul 8 2022 x x  
  -Travelfusion / New Distribution Capability (NDC)   Apr 21 2023 x x  
   - Travelfusion: easyJet via Travelfusion Mar 2013 x x*  
United PassPlus Jun 28 2016 x x   Rail (some links may redirect to SAP Help Portal)      
          Amtrak Direct Connect Oct 26 2023 x x

Deutsche Bahn (BIBE) Direct Connect

Mar 16 2023 x x
Hotel /Accommodations Direct Connect Oct 11 2016 x x  

Hotel Service

Apr 21 2023 x x Eurostar May 4 2023 x x
  Evolvi Direct Connect Aug 11 2017 x x
Custom Hotel Sourcing Aug 25 2022 x     Renfe Direct Connect Nov 10 2022 x  
          SNCF PAO Direct Connect Oct 25 2023 x x

Travel features & Miscellaneous features/options
Name Revised Professional Standard   Name Revised Professional Standard
AirPlus Company Account (also see Virtual Payment - AirPlus A.I.D.A.) Feb 14 2020 x     Non-GDS Hotels Mar 3 2017 x x
Alternate GDS Bookings Dec 3 2020 x     Non-Profiled Travel (formerly Guest Traveler; also see Sponsored Guest User) May 16 2019 x x
Approvals, Rules, and Classes/Policies (formerly Approval and Compliance)
  • Professional: travel classes, class features (edit classes), approvals, rules, policy violation reasons; Vendor Exclusions
  • Standard: travel policies, travel features, approvals, rules, policy violation codes
Jun 21 2024 x x          
  Online Order Form (TMC only) May 22 2024 x x
  Offline Policy Capture July 18 2023 x x
  Post Ticket Change / Amadeus Ticket Changer (ATC) Jun 6 2022 x x
Automated Emails Feb 17 2023 x x   Post Ticket Change / Rapid Reprice (Apollo and Galileo) Jun 6 2022 x  
          Post Ticket Change / Rapid Reprice (Worldspan) Jun 6 2022 x  
Branded Fares May 19 2022 x x   Post Ticket Change Using Sabre Automated Exchanges (formerly QREX+) Jun 6 2022 x x
Calendar Integration Jan 19 2023 x     Regional Hotel Rates Feb 18 2018 x  
Car Delivery and Collection Jul 15 2021 x     Resuming Travel Aug 30 2021 x x
Clone / Share Trip Aug 12 2020 x x          
Company Link Administrator Sep 26 2019 x    

Sabre Profiles

  - Sabre Profiles: Migration Checklist
- Sabre Profiles: Templates Overview (provided by Sabre)

Dec 29 2023 x x
Company Settings Sep 3 2021 x    
Compleat Integration Feb 27 2020 x  x  
Configurable Message Boards Apr 19 2024 x  x  
Custom Text Feb 26 2024 x  x   Self-Registration Sep 17 2019 x x
          Shop Across Passenger Type (Sabre) Mar 14 2019 x  
Data Retention Setup Guide (Professional) - not a TSG; shared with Expense (current) x     Spanish Islands Resident Discounted Fares May 20 2020 x  
Data Retention User Guide (Professional) - not a TSG; shared with Expense (current) x     Split Faring (formerly Split Ticketing) Oct 5 2017 x x
Data Retention Setup Guide (Standard) - not a TSG; shared with Expense (current)   x   Sponsored Guest User (also see Non-Profiled Travel)

If integrated with Expense:
Expense: Sponsored Guest User

Aug 15 2022 x  
Data Retention User Guide (Standard) - not a TSG; shared with Expense (current)   x
  Single Sign-On Overview (Shared) Apr 8 2024 x x
Discounts (includes setting preference for non-GDS vendors) Jun 21 2024 x x Single Sign-On (Shared)- not a TSG; shared with Expense Mar 26 2021 x x
Divisional View Jan 31 2020 x     Template Editors:      
Dual Fare Display (Sabre Only) Jun 18 2019 x  x   - Passive Segment Oct 29 2018 x x

  - PNR Finishing

Aug 24 2020 x x
Environmental Sustainability (formerly Green Support) Jul 7 2021 x x          
E-Receipts Mar 25 2022 x x   Test User Setup Guide - not a TSG; shared with Expense (current) x x
E-Receipts Coverage Feb 28 2024 x x   Third Party Meeting Registration Mar 22 2024 x  
        Tramada Profile Sync Dec 15 2014 x x
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Requirements Mar 22 2024 x x
Flex Faring Oct 19 2022 x x   Travel Arranger View Oct 18 2023 x x
Flight Firming Apr 16 2021 x x   Travel Vacation Reassignment Feb 21 2024 x x
Fly America Act (see Government Features)        

Travel APIs (see Dev Center Guides)

Form of Payment Mar 22 2024 x x          
          Trip Approval Process (see Approval and Compliance)      
        Trip Cancel and Voids Jun 22 2022 x x
Government Features
includes Hotel Per Diems, Federal Government Rates, State Government Rates, FedRooms®, and Fly America Act
Mar 1 2023 x x   Unused Tickets Jun 28 2022 x x
          User Supplied Hotels Aug 1 2019 x x
  View More Air Fares Sep 20 2019 x x
Guest Traveler (see Non-Profiled Travel)         Virtual Payment – AirPlus A.I.D.A. Jul 7, 2021 x  
          Virtual Payment – Conferma Pay Feb 13 2020 x
Hotel Service 2.0 API (see Hotel Service TSG)           -Virtual Payment – Conferma == TMC Readiness Program Feb 14 2020 x  
          -Virtual Payment – Conferma == SETUP Sep 7 2021 x  
Import Data Oct 19 2020 x x Voids (see Trip Cancel and Voids)      
Integration with EY Jun 22 2020 x x        
Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Apr 19 2024 x x   Waitlist Sep 2 2016 x x
Microsoft Calendar Integration (see Calendar Integration)                
Multi-User Clone (a.k.a Manifest Clones) Jun 25 2021 x            

Fact Sheets - useful information and clarification
Name Revised Professional Standard   Name Revised Professional Standard
Amadeus Error Reference Nov 9 2016 x x   India Airline Content Apr 7 2020 x x
Amadeus Extended Office Security Jun 12 2017 x x   Instant Purchase Airlines / Guaranteed Ticketing Carriers Aug 12 2019 x x
Amadeus Product Requirements & Descriptions Dec 10 2018 x x          
Amadeus Profile Template Configuration May 14 2020 x x   Languages (all products, mobile, help) (current) x x
Amadeus Refundability Logic Jan 23 2019 x x   PNR (new Concur Travel) Apr 24 2024 x  
Amadeus Upgrades (Amadeus Web Services) Apr 9 2020 x x   Passive Segments Dec 10 2020 x x
Auto Cancel Apr 16 2020 x x   Password Management and Defaults (see SAP Concur Password Policy Settings Setup Guide) Oct 18 2023 x x
Auto Carrier Validation (Apollo/Galileo) Dec 21 2015 x x   Personalized Concur Open (current) x x
          Preferred Name and Nonbinary Gender Options Oct 24 2023 x x
Co-browse (Screen Share) for SAP Concur Support (current) x x          
Cookie Preferences and User Consent (current) x x   Renfe RVR Service and Specification Apr 19 2024 x x
CVV Codes - General Information Nov 19 2018 x x   Retention Segments Jul 2 2018 x x
Delegate / Proxy / Assistant / Arranger Feb 17 2023 x x   Sabre Content Services for Lodging Feb 28 2024 x x
Duplicate Booking Prevention May 31 2019 x x   Seat Maps Nov 12 2019 x x
          Strong Customer Authentication Jan 10 2023 x x
End-User Feedback Survey (current) x x          
        TMC AWS Migration Feb 16 2022 x x
Highest Allowed Class of Service Jan 27 2020 x x Travelport (Apollo/ Worldspan / Galileo) Upgrades (Universal API - uAPI) Aug 3 2021 x x
Hotel Previous Stay History Dec 28 2016   x        
Hotel Rate Changes Over Stay Feb 27 2019 x x   Unused Ticket FTP Process (TMC only) Sep 4 2015 x x
          UP Fares Nov 14 2019 x x
          Worldspan Pricing Feb 26 2020 x x

Agency Partners * GDS Worksheets – PNR Acquisition (formerly Reporting Requirements)
Name Revised Professional Standard   Name Revised Professional Standard
Amadeus Apr 1 2021 x x   Galileo Mar 4 2020 x x
Apollo Apr 1 2021 x x   Sabre Mar 4 2020 x x
          Worldspan Apr 1 2021 x x